
  • Grant period begins July 1, 2024, and concludes July 30, 2025.
  • Funds can't be used outside of the above listed timeframe unless requested in advance. Additionally, all unused funds will remain in the general Carolina For The Kids Grant account.
  • Funds can be used only as originally approved by the granting committee.
  • The committee will review individual grant requests for up to $5,000. For programmatic grant requests that could exceed the maximum financial support or grant period, please email Becky Batts for guidance on your submission. 
  • Applicants/departments can apply for more than one grant during the same cycle.
  • Applicants will receive a decision on the status of their application(s) by the third week in June.

Proposals seeking funding for the following projects will not be eligible:

  • Research
  • Salary support or compensation
  • Fundraising projects
  • Multi-year projects
  • Computer or other IT items, unless deemed essential to the project by the awards committee, in which case they must be approved by the Department of Pediatrics IT; all hardware and software will be considered property of the Department, and the Department will determine appropriate disposition of such items at the end of the project.

The project must be conducted at UNC Children's.

For a grant awarded to a school of Medicine Department other than Pediatrics, the hosting divisions/departments will be responsible for the administration and management of the grant. Please provide written confirmation (uploaded email is fine) from your Administrative Director reflecting a willingness to administer grant. A report reflecting expenditures will be required at the end of the grant cycle.