Treatments & Services We Offer
We provide evidence-based diabetes management using intensive insulin therapy as appropriate for the patient and family. We recognize that the best method to help control a complex medical disease, such as diabetes, is by fostering open and collaborative communication between healthcare providers, patients and families to determine how to optimally treat each individual patient.
Your UNC Pediatric Diabetes Clinic team uses up-to-date technology to provide the best care options for your child. Take advantage of:
- Diagnostic blood tests
- Diabetes education program
- Nutrition counseling
- Continuous glucose monitoring - professional and training on patient owned devices
- Medications
- Insulin therapy: we tailor the treatment according to the child’s needs and family lifestyle. We use insulin pumps and a variety of insulin injection protocols as needed. We have a comprehensive Insulin Pump Program. Our providers are comfortable using and navigating the complexities of all commercially available insulin pumps.
- Family advisory board: The Family Advisory Board is comprised of patients, their families, pediatricians from the community, school nurses and clinic staff. The board reviews and provide feedback on clinic materials and policies, and help staff enhance clinical services.
- Support groups: Our support groups are safe places where patients come together to support, encourage, and provide feedback to each other.